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Liberation Meditation

Learning True Freedom from Rescued Cows

Dear Readers,

I have a treat for you today! Instead of an article, I am sharing with you a gentle meditation brought to you by the beloved cows of Indraloka. Please choose a time to watch this when you can relax and be undisturbed. Find a comfortable position. Take a deep breath, and find your center. Grab your journal and a pen and keep them nearby, so that, after the meditation, you can journal about the experience.

After the video, journal on these questions:

  • What was easy about this meditation?

  • What was challenging?

  • How did it impact your breathing? Your heart rate? Your mood?

  • What did you learn?

Write a letter to yourself as if you were your best friend, who you love dearly. Give yourself some advice on handling the most challenging thing you are currently facing. Offer words of encouragement and support as well, just as you would with a beloved friend. Isn’t that who you are to yourself? If not, journal on what more you can do to be your own beloved friend.

Remember, you are a precious and sacred soul, worthy of love, support, and care. As you carry on with your day, remember the peacefulness you've felt here. Let it guide you through your highs and lows, grounding you with each step.

With love and hope,


Journey to Wholeness: Transcending Trauma with Indra Lahiri
Journey to Wholeness: Transcending Trauma with Indra Lahiri Podcast
Join me as we traverse the labyrinth of suffering, guided by the light of compassion and the promise of wholeness.
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